
Our aim is to encourage students to develop good working and study practices in preparation for work and independent learning. We want students to succeed and develop as individuals.

Success at A Level is highly dependent upon regular attendance and students should be punctual, both to school and to all classes. In the Sixth Form students will be treated as young adults and we expect students to act responsibly as role models for all younger pupils.

There is a clear collation between attendance, effort, attitude and success in post 16 studies As such attendance, punctuality, achievement, effort and uniform are monitored closely through our ‘standards for learning’ system.  Any behaviour incidents are logged electronically and tutors and members of the Sixth Form team are alerted.  Throughout students, parents and carers and staff are kept fully abreast of students’ performance in order to best support them.

There are clear pathways for those students that do not live up to our expectations as there are rewards for those that do.

Sixth Form Dress Code

Students should dress appropriately for their day in Sixth Form. We recognise people are individuals and this dress code should enable students to represent themselves in a way they feel most comfortable whilst maintaining the school’s culture of creating a climate for great learning, success and opportunity.

ID Badges

For Health and Safety reasons it is essential that students have their ID badges around their necks, visible throughout the school when on the school site.

Dress for your Day

Students should dress appropriately for their scheduled school activities in their day
ahead. Students should be neat, clean and tidy whilst in school.

Unless engaged actively in a sporting activity in the day then students should adopt
a Smart Casual approach being mindful it is a school environment. Items that you
would wear to a beach (e.g. vests, non-tailored shorts), club/bar (e.g. figure hugging
and revealing items) or the gym (e.g. vests, leggings, crop tops, lycra shorts,
tracksuit bottoms) for example would not be appropriate. Ripped jeans, flip flops or
sliders would not classify as ‘smart’.

Visitors to school are common and students should leave a positive impression of
the school on them.

Students should be respectful of other students in their choice of dress.

Tattoos, Piercings and Jewellery

Tattoos that may be considered offensive should be covered at all times.

Piercings and jewellery should be unobtrusive, discreet and inoffensive to members
of the school community. Compliance with ethnic and religious beliefs is supported.

Difficulties with standards

Students who have any difficulties maintaining these standards should be prepared
to have conversations with members of school staff about the choices they have
made. Referrals will be made to the Sixth Form Team or members of the Senior
Leadership Team. This may result in students being asked to return home to change

Sixth Form Attendance & Standards for Learning